Roman R. wird 'Chief of CS:GO' beim BIG Clan
12.01.2022 18:01 TheHotz

Am Mittwochabend hat der BIG Clan Roman "Roman R." Reinhardt als neuen 'Chief of CS:GO' vorgestellt.

Der einstige Counter-Strike 1.6-Spieler Roman "Roman R." Reinhardt ist ab sofort der neue 'Chief of CS:GO' beim BIG Clan. Das hat die Berliner Organisation am Mittwochabend bekannt gegeben. Der inzwischen 38-Jährige arbeitete bislang zusammen mit Andreas Wolny am BIG-Merchandise und wird künftig wieder seiner alten Leidenschaft nachgehen und die deutsche Counter-Strike-Landschaft prägen.

Als 'Chief of CS:GO' wird Roman R. künftig für den gesamten Counter-Strike-Bereich zuständig sein, also sowohl für das Main- als auch das Academy-Team. In der Pressemitteilung erklärt der BIG Clan, dass Roman R. künftig eng mit Spielern und dem Staff zusammenarbeiten wird, um den CS:GO-Bereich nach vorne zu bringen und man konstant ganz oben mitspielen kann. Gleichzeitig soll er an einer gesunden Quelle an Nachwuchsspielern kümmern für die CS:GO-Ambitionen der kommenden Jahre.

I was always in close touch with my friend and mentor Yilmaz Ozan after my playing career ended long ago. As the founder of mousesports, Yilmaz entrusted me with the sporting success of the Counter-Strike team even back then and we have been able to celebrate a long history of successes together. Therefore, I am very happy that I can now pursue my passion for esports again following my long career as a professional player. At BIG, I initially established and developed the merchandise division, together with Andreas Wolny. However, one of my main focuses was my work with the CS team. Today, together with Christian Lenz, I manage all CS:GO processes as Head of CS:GO and am responsible for the development of the CS:GO department, including our talent division, the BIG. OMEN Academy Team. My passion has been reignited and I really enjoy working with the whole team, especially with Christian Lenz and the CS: GO crew. I'm looking forward to the upcoming time in BIG. Looking into the future, I'm sure that we will continue to grow at a fast pace together as a team and that we will be able to celebrate many more fantastic moments

Roman Reinhardt , Chief of CS:GO - BIG

Today I am delighted to officially welcome one of the great names in German Counter-Strike history, Roman „Roman R.“ Reinhardt to BIG. Roman Reinhardt has had a significant impact on German Esports during his career as a professional player. Due to his exceptional knowledge and his close connection to Yilmaz Ozan, he has been an important part of BIG for many months now. In the future, Roman will contribute his vast experience as Head of CS:GO and, together with CGO Christian Lenz, he will be responsible for the development of our CS:GO department, including the talent division. In this position, Roman Reinhardt will work very closely with the coaching staff, team management, players and talent at our headquarters in Berlin to ensure the best possible development of our CS:GO division in the coming years.

Daniel Finkler , CEO - BIG

Während seiner Zeit als aktiver Spieler in Counter-Strike 1.6 gewann Roman R. etlich deutsche Meisterschaften mit mousesports, darunter die erste EPS Season in 2002. Auch internationale Events wie die IEM Season 2 in Hannover spielte er unter dem Banner von ALTERNATE aTTaX. Seine Laufbahn als Spieler endete 2012 mit Team ALTERNATE.

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